Hexadecimal tools

Various tools for working with hexadecimal strings.

Please note that these tools aren't optimized for large amounts of data, processing can slow down or run into problems once you reach above 150,000 characters. A cap of 1 million characters is currently in place.

Shift hex

Lazy shift a hexadecimal string up or down: 54 65 73 74 [test] becomes 55 66 74 75 [uftu] when shifted 1 to the right (+1) or 53 64 72 73 [Sdrs] when shifted 1 to the left.

The dropdown allows you to select a delimiter, which is how your hex values are split up and joined together. The default is a space, you can select no delimiter if your hex contains no spaces.

Shift hex string

Unlike reversing the entire string where 48 65 6c 6c 6f [Hello] becomes f6 c6 c6 56 84, this reverses each individual hex byte in the same order. 48 65 6c 6c 6f becomes 84 56 c6 c6 f6. The Reverse Nibbles toggle reverses the order of each hex byte in the string, so 48 65 6c 6c 6f becomes 6f 6c 6c 65 48

The dropdown allows you to select a delimiter, which is how your hex values are split up and joined together. The default is a space, you can select no delimiter if your hex contains no spaces.

Reverse hex